Sunday, April 29, 2012

An unusual Sunday

I don't know about you but I love a good routine.  I thrive on planting my roots and sticking to a schedule.  So today is a little strange for me because most of our Sundays have a certain routine to them.

Normally we get up and put on our fancy clothes (haha.  for me this is jeans--sometimes, a skirt) and we go to church.  After the service we all congregate at my parents home for lunch and family fellowship.  The girls and I look forward to this every week.  Daddy would, too but he is at work for all of this.  (Daddy works out of state--we have a home there and a home here.  Right now the girls and I are here and he is there--just FYI.  We spend a lot of time apart and a lot of time together--it is weird.  It is our life after all--weird.)


Today both of the girls have a cold bug.  It is so not fun for them, poor dears.  And so we have stayed at home and not been able to enjoy church or been able to fellowship and chow down with family today.  No Bueno!  But I am thankful it is just a cold bug and both of these girlies are healthy little stinkers.  So thankful for that!

Lots to do today.  Do y'all actually rest on the Lord's day?  It seems I am just as busy with housework as I am every other day of the week.  I keep thinking it would be nice to work it somehow so that Sunday is a day of rest for us--but you know how it is.  I am great at thinking about it--but not so good on actually following through and doing something about it.  <sigh>

Happy Sunday-everyone!  Here is hoping you and yours are feeling bright eyed and bushy tailed and enjoying this Lord's day!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Howdy there! Welcome to Orchard House

I am so excited to be here and chatting out the little things in my head.  It has been a while since I had a blog that I shared openly, but here I am again...and I am so, so ready to write here the happenings around this little house of ours.  

A bit about us.

I am Lori Beth.  Early thirties and what my family calls a "earthy, bohemian attitude and outspoken gal".  I am married to a "cozy and handsome" man named John--but I call him Wyles.

We have four daughters between the two of us (both of us had previously and unfortunately been in unloving marriages).  He has two older girls that we enjoy getting some visits with and then I have Emma Beth who is 13 and such a joy.  She has been an old soul from the moment she was conceived I am just certain of that : )

John and I also have Ella Beth who is 4 and is a little firecracker and loving sweetie.  

Hence the name of our school--which we have been doing for 5 years now.
Orchard House!  was the name of the home that the Little Women writer Louisa May Alcott shared with her parents and their 4 daughters.

Also I was raised in a family of 4 girls and so I am just a happy little lady to have all these girls with me, too.  And John was born to be a Daddy to his daughters!  God is so good and welcome one and all.  I want and hope to write here about our family and schooling.  About our adventures and ideas.  

Goodness Gracious!  I am so excited to be here!