Thursday, May 3, 2012

Train up a child...

Lately we have had an unfortunately common occurrence become more and more common in this house. The asking "Why?" after each command is the 4 year old's favorite thing to do (it sometimes seems) and also the trying to talk her way around something is the 13 year old's main artillery.

I am not a fan of these types of occurrences and found another Mom who is raising a good houseful and has some useful tips in child rearing and has done a post specifically about why you do not need to answer every question your child throws at you. It was just in time for this Mama. Here is the link in case you think it would be helpful for you as well.

I have been following her tips and am encouraged by the wonderful shift I can see already happening here at Orchard House.

**Also be sure and read the comments. There is a Mom who wrote that she is afraid her children do not deem her "trustworthy" enough to follow her commands willingly. And I thought there was some good talk about that. I am of the opinion that respect is not demanded but earned and if we want our children to respect us enough to show happy and immediate obedience then we must be deserving of that respect.

Oh that my girls would always think me worthy of their love and respect!